
Read the latest news about innovation in the NHS and the NHS Innovation Service. You will also find useful articles, interviews, podcasts, and resources designed to give you more information about getting your innovation into the NHS.

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  • NHS Innovation Service can help ‘bake’ innovation into the NHS

    The service has been included in a new NHS England blog about successfully embedding innovation into the NHS written by Verena Stocker, Director Of Innovation, Research, Life Sciences And Strategy at NHS England.

    December 13, 2023

    • Interviews
    • NHS Innovation Service
  • NHS@75: Innovation vital to serve the next generation

    Luella Trickett, Director of Value and Access at ABHI, writes about how the NHS has embraced cutting-edge technologies that have revolutionised healthcare over the last 75 years, and what is still to come.

    July 17, 2023

    • Interviews
    • News
  • What every innovator should know before completing their innovation record

    Everyone who registers with the NHS Innovation Service completes an innovation record. After completing it as fully as possible, submit the record for our needs assessment team to review. Gemma Snell is one of the needs assessors who looks after this stage of the process, and has shared her top five tips for completing your record.

    May 24, 2023

    • Interviews
    • NHS Innovation Service
  • Introducing the NHS Innovation Service

    Matt Whitty, Director of Innovation, Research and Life Sciences at NHS England introduces the NHS Innovation Service, designed to help innovators take their healthcare innovation from idea to adoption.

    February 10, 2023

    • Interviews
    • NHS Innovation Service