Support organisation - Frequently asked questions
Here you can find answers to frequently asked questions about the service.
If you can not find the answer to your question below, please email with your query.
Account management
How does my organisation request new user accounts?
The champion(s) of your organisation can request new accounts by emailing with the following details:
- Name of your organisation and unit as it appears on the service
- Type of account that you need on the service (needs assessor, qualifying accessor, accessor)
- Email address (this is the email address that will be used to create the account)
The support desk will create the new account and will confirm with the champion(s) when it has been created. The new user will be sent details on how to access their new account.
I am leaving my role, how do I get my account locked?
Notify your organisation's champion(s) that you will be leaving your role, and what date you need your account locking. They will notify the support desk and can re-assign any innovations you are currently supporting.
How do I find out who the champion(s) are for my organisation?
You can email to find out who the champion(s) are within your organisation.
How the service works
What is the needs assessment?
The needs assessment is created by the Needs Assessment Team. It provides an overview of the innovation, its support needs, and which support organisations they think can provide this support. It is useful to read the needs assessment to understand how you might be able to support the innovation.
How do innovators use the service?
Visit the innovator training area to read how they use the Innovation Service.
How do I change the assigned accessor for an innovation?
Qualifying accessors are able to change the people assigned to an innovation by clicking on the 'change accessors' link on the innovation overview page.
I am having technical difficulties with the service, who can I contact for help?
Email with as much detail as possible about your issue and they will investigate the issue.