Commissioning and adoption - Supporting the adoption of new innovations into the NHS

Innovators need to consider how their innovation will be made available and adopted and by NHS organisations and any support which healthcare providers might value when implementing a new technology. Innovators also need to ensure that their innovations are easily available for purchase by NHS organisations. They should also look to make their innovation available through suitable procurement frameworks. Case studies of successful implementation can support the wider adoption of your innovation through demonstrating the value of your innovation in an NHS setting and provide confidence in the real-world use of the technology.

The Early Access Medicines Scheme (EAMS) aims to give patients with life- threatening or seriously debilitating conditions access to medicines that do not yet have a marketing authorisation.

The MedTech Funding Mandate (MTFM), led by the NHS Accelerated Access Collaborative (AAC), aims to accelerate the uptake of medical devices, diagnostics and digital products by the NHS. The MTFM directs healthcare providers and commissioners within NHS organisations towards cost-effective MedTech innovations that have been recommended by NICE guidance. The MTFM supports selected innovations which meet its criteria of being effective, cost-saving within 3-years and affordable to the NHS, and adoption is supported by the local Health Innovation Network (HIN).

There are 15 HINs across England which support innovators in developing their technologies for the NHS. Each of the HINs can help innovators throughout their innovation development journey, some of the support they can provide includes:

  • help to navigate the NHS
  • signposting to resources
  • market access studies and research
  • help with value proposition development
  • real-world impact evaluation
  • health economic reports
  • implementation support for adopting organisations
  • grant funding opportunities
  • product development

Different HINs have different specialty areas, the Innovation Service can direct you to the most appropriate HIN for your needs.